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Enhance your AI chatbot's knowledge base effortlessly by incorporating information from website links. Follow these simple steps to expand your chatbot's expertise:

  1. 🔗 Paste the Website Link: Simply input the URL of the website you want to include.
  2. Wait for Processing: The system will automatically extract and learn from the content.
  3. Check the Status: Once the status changes to "learned," the information is ready for use.

To help you manage and review the imported information effectively, we provide the following tools:

  • 🔄 Refresh Button: Located at the top of the page, use this to update data and view the current processing status of documents.
  • 👁️ View Information: Click the eye icon next to each website record to examine the specific information extracted from that site.
  • 📚 Chunks Overview: Access the "Chunks" button at the top of the page to view all information available in the knowledge base.

Always verify the credibility and relevance of the websites you're adding to ensure the quality of your chatbot's responses.


The speed of processing may vary depending on the size and complexity of the website content.

By leveraging these features, you can create a rich, diverse, and up-to-date knowledge base for your AI chatbot, enhancing its ability to provide accurate and helpful responses to user queries.