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To create a chatbot for Telegram, you can use the BotFather platform. BotFather is the official bot creation tool provided by Telegram.

Step-by-Step Guide

Steps to Create a Chatbot Using BotFather

  1. Open Telegram and search for BotFather in the search bar.
  2. Start a chat with BotFather by clicking on the Start button.
  3. Follow the instructions provided by BotFather to create a new bot.
  4. Once the bot is created, BotFather will provide you with an API token.

1. Save Bot Token

  1. Locate the Bot Token provided by BotFather.
  2. Navigate to the Bot Setup page in your AI chatbot dashboard.
  3. Find the Telegram integration settings section.
  4. Paste your Bot Token into the Bot Token field.

2. Save Bot Username

  1. Note the username BotFather assigned to your bot (usually ends with 'bot').
  2. In the same Telegram integration settings section, find the Bot Username field.
  3. Enter your bot's username exactly as it appears, including the 'bot' suffix.

3. Knowledge Base Setup

  • Choose a knowledge base for your chatbot.
  • If none is selected, it will default to a GPT-like model.

4. Confirm and Save

After entering both the Bot Token and Bot Username:

  1. Double-check both entries for accuracy.
  2. Look for a 'Save' or 'Update' button in the integration settings.
  3. Click to save your changes.



Congratulations! You've successfully saved your Telegram bot credentials. Your AI chatbot is now ready to interact with users on Telegram.

By following these steps, you've laid the foundation for a powerful Telegram bot integration with your AI chatbot service!