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Plain text

Easily expand your AI chatbot's knowledge base by directly inputting text. This method offers a quick and flexible way to add information tailored to your specific needs.

  1. ✍️ Enter Your Text: Type or paste your information into the provided text field.
  2. 📂 Choose or Create a File:
    • Select an existing file to append the information, or
    • Name a new file to store the text.

Organize related information in the same file for easier management and retrieval.

  1. 💾 Save the Information: Submit your text to instantly update the knowledge base.

The system splits each file into approximately 500-character chunks for optimal processing and retrieval.

To help you oversee and review the imported information effectively, we provide the following features:

  • 🔄 Refresh Button: Located at the top of the page, use this to update data and view the current processing status of documents.
  • 👁️ View File Information: Click the eye icon next to each file record to examine the specific information extracted from that document.
  • 📚 Knowledge Base Overview: Access the eye icon at the top of the page to view all information available in the knowledge base.

Always verify the credibility and relevance of the websites you're adding to ensure the quality of your chatbot's responses.


The speed of processing may vary depending on the size and complexity of the website content.