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Release Updates

Release Notes


🌟 New Features

  • Updated GitHub description
  • Enhanced email BOT functionality
  • Improved home page with new chatbot database
  • Implemented quest system: Salute after sending 3 SMS to bot
  • Revised token check process
  • Created and integrated authentication middleware for API

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Added user IP as user ID on chat widget
  • Fixed system name language issues


🌟 New Features

  • Added GitHub icon to header
  • Implemented Stripe subscription functionality
  • Added OpenAI icon to "Add Your Open AI Key" section
  • Introduced payment page with subscription management
  • Added contact us feature: Lark messaging integration
  • Implemented auto-recharge flow for bot

🚀 Improvements

  • Enhanced training document upload interface
  • Optimized Pinecone connection
  • Improved knowledge base management with updated sorting
  • Added fork template functionality after payment

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Pinecone credential issues in training
  • Fixed vector editing and deleting functionality
  • Removed error alerts
  • Standardized UI elements (e.g., select and button heights)

💎 UI Enhancements

  • Adjusted height on home and demo pages for full-screen display
  • Implemented tab-to-top functionality on onboarding


🌟 New Features

  • Added books collection copy for all users
  • Implemented ability to download training data for all users
  • Added conversation feature on demo page

🚀 Improvements

  • Updated chat UI
  • Enhanced onboarding process
  • Improved user data management
  • Added owner information to webhook in bot flow

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed title alignment on AI Setup block
  • Improved Training page layout
  • Enhanced onboarding success modal style
  • Added start message on UI chat

💎 UI Enhancements

  • Removed video from onboarding
  • Updated button text to page name
  • Renamed "Clone it!" to "White-label!"


🌟 New Features

  • Introduced Analytics page (Previously dashboard)
  • Implemented AI Bot onboarding pages
  • Added owner to knowledge base
  • Implemented auto-login to BOT

🚀 Improvements

  • Updated AI Setup UI
  • Enhanced Start Page "HOME" UI
  • Improved AI Chat page UI
  • Implemented saving behavior to knowledge base

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Added password repeat request during first registration
  • Removed secret word, added email reset password using UBOS platform
  • Fixed login redirect
  • Improved translation on chatbots and home pages

💎 UI Enhancements

  • Standardized border styles across the application
  • Updated train status to "Learned"


🌟 New Features

  • Changed authorization method (user creates password and login)
  • Added "I need tech support" button
  • Implemented German and Hindi translations
  • Added Lark notification for new demo users
  • Integrated PostHog for analytics on AIBOT demo

🚀 Improvements

  • Enhanced demo page with start message
  • Added links to AI Bot templates tutorial materials
  • Created screen-by-screen description of all current AI Bot template pages in Figma

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Made page titles full width and single line
  • Implemented in-page language change for bots
  • Updated color palette in admin panel
  • Removed double title
  • Fixed vector visibility issue in Model Testing modal

💎 UI Enhancements

  • Renamed "Custom chat" to "Website chat"
  • Updated user creation process in User Management

🔐 Security

  • Added reset password functionality