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DB Benchmark

Ensure your AI chatbot is equipped with the best information to serve your users!


The DB Benchmark tool helps you assess and improve the quality of your knowledge base through semantic search and AI-powered enrichment.

Evaluating Your Knowledge Base 🔍

Follow these steps to assess the effectiveness of your knowledge base:

  1. Select a Knowledge Base
  2. Set the Number of Results 🔢

Define the scope of your evaluation:

  • 🎯 Specify how many results to retrieve
  • 🧠 Leverage semantic search for relevant information
  1. Ask a Question ❓

🗨️ Enter a test question to simulate a real user query.

  1. Review the Results 👀

Analyze the returned results to gauge:

  • ✅ Accuracy of information
  • 🎯 Relevance to the query
  • 📊 Overall quality of responses

Improving Your Knowledge Base 🛠️

Enhance Individual Records 📝

  1. Select a Record 👆 Choose the specific entry you want to improve.

  2. Click 'Edit' ✏️ Open the record in edit mode.

  3. Make Changes and Save 💾 Refine the content and update your knowledge base.

Enrich Records with AI-Generated Context 🤖

Leverage AI to expand your knowledge base's capabilities:

  1. Select a Record 👆 Pick an entry for AI enrichment.

  2. Click 'Enrich' 🌟 Automatically generate potential questions this information might answer.

  3. Edit and Save ✅ Review AI suggestions, modify as needed, and update your knowledge base.

Regular evaluation and enrichment keep your knowledge base comprehensive and effective!


Ready to supercharge your knowledge base? Start with a DB Benchmark evaluation today!

🚀 Elevate your chatbot's intelligence - from benchmark to brilliance! 💡