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Welcome to our comprehensive guides section, designed to empower you with the knowledge you need to harness the full potential of our low-code platform, UBOS. Explore the following guides to master key components:

Flow Builder (Node-Red)

▷ Introduction and familiarization with the Node-RED environment
In this article, we will explore the Node-RED environment in detail, including its features and ways to use it for developing data processing flows.

▷ Basic nodes in Node-RED
Introduction to basic nodes such as debug, http in/response, and function, which allow interaction with data flows, tracking results, and transforming them according to the developer's needs.

▷ How to use the "function" node?
Here you will find a detailed explanation of working with the "function" node: basic function writing, installing additional libraries, examples of error handling, and much more.

▷ Creating an HTTP request
Initial steps for creating requests to be used in the UI Editor.

▷ How to connect created Node-RED requests with the UI Editor?
In this section of the article, you will find the answer to the question of how to create API calls in the UI Editor and how to retrieve data created in Node-RED.

UI Editor

▷ Introduction and familiarization with the UI Editor environment The article describes the beginning of working with the UI Editor, basic properties of widgets, what is the API Panel and how to create an API call, the deployment process, and much more.

▷ Global Variables (storeValue)
Briefly about what global variables are in the UI Editor, how to work with them, and how to transfer information between pages.

▷ How to interact between two widgets using tabs and images as an example?
Here you will get a more detailed understanding of the interaction between widgets and see the application of knowledge from the previous article.


▷ Creating a MongoDB Database Most applications require data storage. On the UBOS platform, you can use an external database or set up your own database. Read the article to learn how to create and configure a database.

▷ Creating a PostgreSQL Database
This article provides basic queries using the PostgreSQL database.

▷ Creating a MySQL Database
An example of creating a MySQL database.


▷ How to Connect UI Editor and Node-RED to GIT?
To safeguard your data from potential loss and errors that can destroy your work, we will show you how to connect these services to GitLab.


▷ How to use templates on UBOS?
In this article, we will talk about what a template is and how to use it on UBOS. We will provide a detailed instruction on using the template and give examples of how it can be used to create a website. With this article, you will be able to quickly and effectively start your project and add the necessary functionality by using the template.
All templates you can find on our site.

Use cases

The following materials will help you gain insights into potential use cases of our platform and inspire the implementation of small ideas. Here are a few example use cases that you can include:

▷ Create custom Telegram bot with OpenAI API and Knowledge management panel.
The system allows you to create a GPT-powered Telegram bot for customer support with ease.

▷ Creating a Real-Time Data Map Using Node-RED
Discover the power of node-red-contrib-web-worldmap, a versatile palette that enables the creation of interactive maps with real-time data. This tool offers seamless visualization of information on a global scale, making it ideal for applications involving geolocation data, such as vehicle tracking or weather monitoring.

▷ Real-Time Tracking Visualization with node-red-contrib-web-worldmap and UBOS
Simple and effective solution for users looking to display real-time track data. Its integration with Node-RED, user-friendly interface, and responsive display make it a better choice compared to other options available on the market.

▷ Creating Full-Screen Pages with Widget Grid layout and Row container
You may encounter situations where you need to create small pages with limited content, such as landing pages. In such cases, it's important to make the most of the available space and create a layout that looks visually appealing.

▷ AI-Generated Gallery
This book explores the integration of OpenAI technology to generate high-quality images. It provides a comprehensive understanding of OpenAI's image generation models, covering the technical foundations and training techniques. Through practical tutorials, readers learn how to leverage OpenAI's tools and APIs to create their own stunning visual content.