UBOS-template-CRM is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that allows efficient management of contacts, deals, and lists. It is integrated with Node-RED, UIeditor, and MongoDB, providing flexibility and scalability.
Key Features
Contact Management: Adding, editing, and deleting contacts, storing important customer information.
Deal Management: Creating deals associated with contacts, tracking their status, editing details, and deleting when necessary.
List Management: Creating lists of contacts based on various criteria, adding and removing contacts from lists, editing list information.
Data Filtering: Filtering data by "Deal Owner", "Deal Stage", "List Creator", "Lead Status", and "Contact Owner" for better organization and accessibility.
Demo Mode: After installing the template, upon first login, a demo version automatically launches, populating the CRM with artificial data to facilitate user understanding of how the system works.
Switching Between Demo and Real Data: On the "Page Management" page, you can disable the demo mode using a switch. After turning off the demo version, the CRM system switches to using real collections in the database, keeping demo data separate from real data.
Note that all user data in demo mode is artificially generated, and any resemblance to real data is coincidental!
How to use it:
After successfully installing the template, open the deployed CRM application. The system requires registration of a super administrator, providing only an email and a password that meets the following requirements:
- Minimum 8 characters
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one digit
Log in to the system using the previously registered email and password.
After the first successful authorization, the "Page Management" page will open with the demo version launched with artificial data for user familiarity with CRM operation.
This page also features a demo mode switch. If turned off, CRM switches to using real data from the database.
When the demo version is enabled, a message "🟠 You are in demo mode!" will be displayed at the top of each page.
All information added in demo mode will remain in the demo version. Therefore, after familiarizing yourself with CRM, it is necessary to disable the demo version for the system to switch to working with real data collections.
By default, the main menu consists of sections: "Contacts", "Lists", "Deals", and "Admin".
In the "Admin" section, you can configure some aspects of the application: add/delete pages, create nested menu items, hide pages, etc. For more details about this section, refer to the article "Unified Authorization Template" at the following LINK
Contacts Page
The "Contacts" page displays a list of contacts filtered by certain criteria. By default, the "Contact Owner" filter is applied, where the owner of contacts is the authorized user.
Filters for "Deal Stage" and "Lead Status" are also available for convenient search.
The first column of the table contains checkboxes to select multiple contacts. After selection, you can press the "Add to List" button to add selected contacts to an existing list or create a new one.
The "Create Contact" button opens a modal window to create a new contact.
Each contact in the table has an "👁" button. Clicking on it will redirect you to the "Contact" page, where detailed information about this contact, lists it belongs to, and associated deals will be displayed. On this page, you can also directly navigate to the necessary list or deal.
Using the edit button, you can activate input fields to edit contact information.
Lists Page
The "Lists" page displays all available lists filtered by the "List Creator" criterion. By default, the filter where the list owner is the authorized user is applied.
The "Create List" button opens a modal window to create a new list.
In the lists table, there is a "📂" button for each list. Clicking on it will redirect you to the selected list page.
On the individual list ("List") page, you can:
- View contacts contained in this list
- Edit list information
- Remove contacts from the list
Filters for contacts by "Contact Owner", "Deal Stage", and "Lead Status" are also available on this page.
Deals Page
The "Deals" page displays all available deals filtered by the "Deal Owner" criterion. By default, the filter where the deal owner is the authorized user is applied.
The "Deal Stage" filter is also available for easy viewing.
The "Create Deal" button opens a modal window to create a new deal.
In the deals table, each deal has 3 buttons:
"👁" - redirects to the page of the deal itself ("Deal"). On this page, similar to the contact page, you can view all information about the deal, edit it, or delete it.
"☰" (Deal Stage) - when clicked, opens a menu where you can select a new stage for this deal.
"👤 Name Surname Email" - this button redirects to the contact page with whom this deal is made.
Thus, the "Deals" page provides a convenient interface for tracking and managing all deals associated with the authorized user. Filters allow quickly finding the necessary deals, and buttons provide easy access to details of each deal, contacts, and the ability to change deal stages.