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Manage Unusual Chat Scenarios

Configure your chatbot to handle special situations smoothly and professionally. Set up these key messages to enhance user experience:


1. Message to Start Conversation 👋

Define a welcoming greeting to engage users when they first initiate a chat.


A great opening message sets the tone for the entire conversation and can significantly impact user engagement.


Hello! 👋 I'm [Bot Name], your AI assistant for [Company/Product Name]. How can I help you today?

2. Message When Bot is Unable to Answer 🤔

Set a friendly fallback message for situations when the bot cannot provide an answer.


A well-crafted response in these situations can maintain user trust and guide them towards alternative solutions.


I apologize, but I don't have the specific information you need right now. 😅 Would you like me to:

Assist you with something else?
Connect you with a human support agent?
Provide resources for further research on this topic?

Please let me know how you'd like to proceed!

🔧 Ready to fine-tune your chatbot's conversation skills? Let's make your bot more engaging and helpful! 🚀